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Why Is Always Greater Than How

Just a short rant – I truly believe asking why you do what you do trumps how you do it. And this can apply to your mechanics and strategies of your business to the type of customers you’re trying to attract.

On the maco-level, asking why you do what you do allows you to define your work’s purpose and allows a sense of clarity of thought and direction. This is important because without having precise clarity of intent and direction for your business, a bunch of holes will be made within your business like a sinking ship. You’ll be inconsistent and not grounded which will create a cascade of problems.

Ask Why 5 Times

On the micro-level of things, I like to ask ‘Why’ five times to get a deeper understanding and clarity of thought to my decision making and may find anythings I over-looked. Lets go through an example:

Action: I choose to brand and market on Facebook

1 Why?: Facebook has the largest and highly accurate data set which is perfect for marketing

2 Why?: People’s attention are on there at scale

3 Why?: Facebook allows to connect people and businesses forming an online community to interact

4 Why?: People long and are fundamentally wired for social interaction

5. People are social creatures

By digging deeper and finding the root cause of why I choose facebook made me conclude that people are wired to be social creatures. What can I do with this information? I can market and brand my business and other businesses in the same manner. If you choose to market and brand yourself on facebook, you have to act like a social creature by building actual relationships with the end consumer, and not just push out ads to sell your stuff.

That’s just a simple example but dig deeper in all your actions are you’ll uncover a lot of hidden gems.

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